
Online abstract submission system will be available and open until midnight 24:00 on 17 March 2025 . Abstracts will be sent to Scientific Committee members for blind evaluation process.


  • The abstract body should have a maximum of 300 words.
  • The title of the abstract should be composed of a maximum of 10 words and reflect the content.
  • The name, surname, title, institution, city, and contact addresses of the authors of the papers should be added in the relevant part.
  • The abstract body cannot have any specific information that may indicate the authors or the institutions.
  • Abstracts, except case presentations, must be structured with the following run-in heads: objective, materials and methods, results, conclusion.
  • Candidates who want to apply for the Abstract Awards should review the application requirements under the Abstract Awards section.
  • Each abstract can be nominated for only one award.
  • The abstract evaluation results will be updated on the submission system. The presenting/corresponding authors may review the status of their abstract via the system.
  • The presenting authors of accepted abstracts are required to register for the Symposium for their abstracts to be included in the program.

Abstract Writing Rules

Online Abstract Submission System Working Principles*

Please read carefully before writing the abstract. Please create an account by assigning a username and password from the system. Abstracts created in the system are saved to the system for evaluation only after their submission is approved. Abstracts that are not approved by the user for evaluation will not be sent to reviewers for the evaluation process.

Abstract Submission Rules
  • The abstract body should have a maximum of 300 words.
  • The title of the abstract should be composed of a maximum of 10 words and reflect the content.
  • The name, surname, title, institution, city, and contact addresses of the authors of the papers should be added in the relevant part.
  • The abstract body cannot have any specific information that may indicate the authors or the institutions.
  • If the abstract is accepted, the author who is planned to present the abstract should be marked in the relevant place in the system.
  • The abstract should not contain any information that would allow the authors of the paper to be identified or indicate the institutions they work for.
  • When submitting a paper, the author must indicate whether the study is Original Research or Case Report.
  • Case Presentations can only be presented as Posters.
  • Abstracts should include the following sections.

ORIGINAL RESEARCHES: Aim, Material & Method, Results, Conclusion

CASE PRESENTATIONS: Aim, Case, Results, Conclusion

Notification Letter
  • Accepted abstracts will be marked in the system and each user will be able to follow the results of the abstracts in their account through the system.
  • The author who will present the accepted abstract must register by March 24, 2025.
Oral and Poster Presentation General Information

8 minutes will be allocated for the oral presentations. Necessary technical equipment will be provided for the participants who will make oral presentations at the congress.

  • Congress First Date
    25 May 2025
  • Congress Last Date
    28 May 2025
  • Deadline for Abstract Submission
    17 March 2025